As a psychosensory practitioner I apply few different modalities when it comes to the therapy and treatment. My therapeutic approach is wholistic an it is the result of many years study and and practice of many different therapeutic modalities. I believe that thanks to this open way of applying an art of therapeutic treatment, psychosensory therapies can give us very good positive results.
There is no just one magic solution and method which can solve all the human health disorders. Any disharmony in the body or mind take time to be develop. What is means we are experience an effect not the cause of this disharmony.
Everybody is different and needs to be treated individually. In order to restore your well-being and harmonise your condition I investigate an issues from the wholistic perceptive by adjusting different modalities and strategies in order to achieve the best possible positive outcome.
From the therapeutic point of view the issue is never the issue. My psycho-sensory approach helps me to be more efficient and accurate with the diagnosis and my treatment.
Psycho-sensory therapies:
It is a form of therapeutic treatment that uses sensory stimuli (i.e., touch, sight, sound, taste, smell) to affect psychological and emotional health. In addition, psycho- sensory therapy is a group of therapeutic techniques that involves applying sensory inputs to treat various behaviours, moods, thoughts, symptoms, and pain.
There are two types of psycho-sensory therapies:
Type 1
mind is activated by particular memory and the therapeutic modalities used in this case are Havening Techniques, Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT), Thought Field Therapy(TFT) Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing(ENDR)
Type 2
Mind is not directed to a particular memory and modalities used for this purpose are: meditation/relaxation, acupuncture/acupressure, Biofeedback/ Neurofeedback, Exercise and related activity, Sound Therapy , Laughter Therapy , Breath work.